Saturday, July 21, 2007

.....Like a TranQuil PoND

Reflection is a best practice for practically all business processes; however in the case of innovation it would play a critical role. Deeply thinking upon the needs of one’s customers or on the challenges facing an organization requires one to be in tuned to the subtle messages provided by their environment. The business landscape is littered with the most well planned business strategies that failed utterly because they did not address the realities on the ground.

The culture within an organization also plays a large role in how successful innovative plans are. Businesses with a culture of execution and performance are needed when attempting to successfully implement change. Execution cannot be drawn up in a business plan or even lectured about in some board room; it is a reality that must be lived and breathed throughout the entire organization. “It should be clear by now that execution isn’t a program you graft onto your organization. A leader who says, “Okay, now we’re going to execute for a change” is merely launching another fad of the month, with no staying power (Bosidy, Charan, Burk,2003 pg. 490). Execution and performance is a way of being it is the very culture itself.


Business leadership: A Jossey-Bass reader. (2003). San Francisco: Jossey-

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