Sunday, July 22, 2007

An e-lightened Moment

"Harvest the fruits of the sweat of one's brow, sweet the taste of seeds sown with sincerity and conviction. Jurisdiction of the universal law transcends all current circumstances, political stances or philosophical leanings, deceiving but only to ourselves the intention of our deeds. Intention is the important thing.

Unseen realities does not equate to the reality of things being unseen, for we are constantly surrounded by its sway daily. I pray we understand the true nature of ourselves and the universe. There is no escaping the elevating, error correcting administrator, of all ways and means, all beings and things.

The pendulum swings in retaliation to the nature of the scheme, which put its arm in motion, the notion of something for nothing, pleasure without pain, borders on the insane. The rocky road is the abode of the royal and wise, understanding leads to open eyes".

-R.L. Adams

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