Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Power Of Vision

All great things endeavours, triumphs and victories start with a dream,
a vision. What has stood out to me most in recent days has been how important one's vision is to achieving one's goal. Fidelity of purpose and a clear articulation of goals have been of the up most importance to me as of late.

What I have found is that within articulation of purpose one will find the means by which success can be had. Clarity of vision, leads to clarity of means. An understanding of how something can be accomplished is dependent upon acknowledging a destination. I have come to understand that behind clarity lie the blueprints to the machinery in which dreams are built.

The vision we all have when starting our academic and life journeys should be at the forefront of our efforts. For me, my goal of building institutions dedicated to the holistic education of the human mind and spirit has been re-established as the ultimate prize. What this refocused dedication has led to is a reassessment of my current strategies and practices.

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