Sunday, March 01, 2009

Moment of e-lightenment: Importance of Understanding Change

Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to reflect upon change and its various dimensions. Something I have realized is that change is not a monolithic occurrence comprised of uniform components. There are many nuances and paradigms existent within the concept. Cultivating a deeper understanding of this reality would allow leaders in any filed to operate with a greater level of prudence. Decisions are based upon an evaluation of what one perceives to be a given reality. Inaccurate evaluations of reality lead to ineffective strategies. The quality of one's actions as a leader would appear to be dependent upon the quality of his or her perception. On an organizational level, change is something which must be dealt with on a consistent basis. Leaders gaining a deeper insight into change from a conceptual standpoint would help their organizations navigate the tumultuous waters of contingency.

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