Thursday, August 27, 2009
What Does One Know
The Collected Works, Vol. VIII - 5
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What is Experience
The Collected Works, Vol. X - 16
[The Power of People]
Friday, August 21, 2009
First Things First
[The Power of People]
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Meditation is Inquiry
The Collected Works, Vol. X - 255
[The Power of People]
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Courage to Be Intimate
-Michael Jackson
[The Power of People]
Ceaseless Inquiry
The Collected Works, Vol. X - 255
[The Power of People]
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Without any desire for reward or fear of punishment
be free of the things which go to make up the 'me'?
The Collected Works, Vol. X - 254
[The Power of People]
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Beyond the Chart and Graph
"Concern for man and his fate must form the chief interest of all technical endeavours...Never forget that in the midst of your diagrams and equations".
In the midst of lectures, daily routines and conjecture I strive to keep this insight a foundation of my outlook. Though flawed and incomplete, one's attempts to realize this end is met with generous dividend. The value is in the struggle.
[The Power of People]
all that life brings- facing it without
running, blaming or avoiding in any way,the more fearless and free you become.
-Yogi Says
[The Power of People]
Be Your Own Light
nt out that such inquiry is essential, but the actual process of inquiring must begin with your own self-observation.
The Collected Works, Vol. X - 254
[The Power of People]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Football and Emotions
[The Power of People]
Sunday, August 09, 2009
One should always question the status quo seeking to define knowledge for oneself, rather than blindly enslaving oneself to the interpretations of others" (Adams, 2007, pg. 7). If education is to be, truly liberating one must cultivate the ability to think for oneself. The post-modern paradigm urges scholars to think outside of one's perceived way or discipline and embrace strategies from a multitude of sources. As no one, holds a monopoly on the truth one's actions should offer no such confirmation of this assumptions validity.
Adams, R. (2007). Social Contexts and Contemporary Issues. Paper
Mind It
Essentially if a person does not use their mind they are turning their backs on their gift. In a sense such a person embraces death as it is the mind that has allowed humankind to survive.
Some heavy stuff for early in the morning but it made me contemplatve the rest of the day...
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Krishnamurti on Self-exploration
We do not see the importance, the significance, of exploring ourselves directly, not according to any idea, pattern, or teacher. The necessity of understanding ourselves is perceived only when we see that without self-knowledge there can be no basis for thought, for action, for feeling; but self-knowledge is not the outcome of the desire to achieve an end.
If we begin to inquire into the process of self-knowledge through fear, through resistance, through authority, or with the desire to gain a result, we shall have what we desire, but it will not be the understanding of the self and the ways of the self.
You may place the self at any level, calling it the higher self or the lower self, but it is still the process of thinking; and if the thinker is not understood, obviously his thinking is a process of escape.
The Collected Works, Vol. VI - 206
human behavior
What internal framework of rules and regulations governs the person's behavior? Paradigms and ethical models are the bricks and mortar of this behavior programming. Understand this and one can understand large portions of human behavior.
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Have you ever had to collaborate on a project and needed feedback from your team? You prepared the needed documents sent them out ...

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