Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trying to be something else

The very awareness of what is is a liberative process. So long as we are unaware of what we are and are trying to become something else, so long will there be distortion and pain. The very awareness of what I am brings about transformation and the freedom of understanding.

J. Krishnamurti
The Collected Works, Vol. IV - 75


Steve Broe said...

Expanding awareness of what is, is an excellent starting point for transformation. Few people remove their assumptions and reasons, and look at what is, perceiving the qualities of existence without judgment. A leader needs to expand awareness regularly in order to become a better responder.

Dr. Steve Broe

Unknown said...

Well said Steve. Examining our assumptions is critical for true reflection that take place. Currently I have been reading the work of Mezirow and Schon confined their theories on reflection to be insightful.

Warmest regards,


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