I am sitting at my favorite café, reggae dub mixes pulsating through my head phones. I find it easier to write listening to its slow, melodic grooves as opposed to lyric laden melodies. Anyway I have been doing a bit of reflection since I made a brief change in my dissertation focus. My area of investigation will be the written word and the connection this has on a learners' overall academic success.
For the past few days I have been researching the power of journaling. As a person who enjoys poetry and prose I have always had an appreciation about the power of words. I have viewed this activity from the perspective of the writer's message and the power contained in the words. The influence of the written word on the reader is fascinating. However what is the impact of the written word on the author?
This monumental question was accentuated by the deep rumbling drums of King Tubby
"Come Down Me Selecta!"
Alright then…so I have never viewed writing as being a transformative process for the author. My research has really challenged my thinking on this issue. Interesting thing is that it seems the power behind writing is in the reflection. The act of composing a piece of literary work challenges a person to think about his or her lived experiences. Thinking and writing about the experiences in our lives, actively engages our minds, challenging us to make concrete assessments about how we feel about our lived realities and the influence it has on us.
This process tends to make writing a cathartic release as internal questions and existential concerns are given voice. This does not happen as frequently as one might think. This reflective process is important as submerged under the surface of our conscious thought; life experiences form the subjective reality which dictates the direction of our lives.
For me this investigation will allow me to understand the role writing has in academic success. However from a much broader context this investigation will allow me to understand the role writing plays in human empowerment. This is an incredibly broad and grandiose aspiration, yet I say….."Why Not?" LOL
I am tired…time to hit the gym and recharge a bit. I have a long process ahead of me.