Sunday, December 27, 2009

Power of the Written Word

I am sitting at my favorite café, reggae dub mixes pulsating through my head phones. I find it easier to write listening to its slow, melodic grooves as opposed to lyric laden melodies. Anyway I have been doing a bit of reflection since I made a brief change in my dissertation focus. My area of investigation will be the written word and the connection this has on a learners' overall academic success.

For the past few days I have been researching the power of journaling. As a person who enjoys poetry and prose I have always had an appreciation about the power of words. I have viewed this activity from the perspective of the writer's message and the power contained in the words. The influence of the written word on the reader is fascinating. However what is the impact of the written word on the author?

This monumental question was accentuated by the deep rumbling drums of King Tubby

"Come Down Me Selecta!"

Alright then…so I have never viewed writing as being a transformative process for the author. My research has really challenged my thinking on this issue. Interesting thing is that it seems the power behind writing is in the reflection. The act of composing a piece of literary work challenges a person to think about his or her lived experiences. Thinking and writing about the experiences in our lives, actively engages our minds, challenging us to make concrete assessments about how we feel about our lived realities and the influence it has on us.

This process tends to make writing a cathartic release as internal questions and existential concerns are given voice. This does not happen as frequently as one might think. This reflective process is important as submerged under the surface of our conscious thought; life experiences form the subjective reality which dictates the direction of our lives.

For me this investigation will allow me to understand the role writing has in academic success. However from a much broader context this investigation will allow me to understand the role writing plays in human empowerment. This is an incredibly broad and grandiose aspiration, yet I say….."Why Not?" LOL

I am tired…time to hit the gym and recharge a bit. I have a long process ahead of me.

Freedom is Found....

"No man is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own personal initiative." Napoleon Hill

The Use of Assessments in Online Learning Environments

Technology has provided opportunities for online assessment to be more learner-centered to promote self-directed learning, and to increase learner autonomy. Practicing “assessment for learning” can cultivate student ownership, and will impact effort and achievement eventually.

Full article:

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Run

…Of Sweat and Will

On Christmas I ran. The Phoenix streets looked hallowed and silent making for a perfect setting for contemplation.

As I made my way through the downtown roads the asphalt under my feet thumped like a metronome. My breath was guided by the rhythm of the beat as the panorama of the world morphed in and out of my awareness.

 The physical exertion reminded me of my humanity, though fragile in nature is made formidable by strength of will. As one mile became two

and two miles became three I thought about the role challenge plays in the cultivation of human will. Without adversity what would serve as the molding force allowing us the ability to harden our resolve?

Adversity takes us to the brink of our abilities, revealing dormant talents. The low thuds began to make their way back into my awareness, as I continued my trek through the beautiful Arizona day.


Change Strategies

I am studying Argyris (1978) strategy of organizational intervention and wonder if the process can be applied to cirmumstances like a mentor working with a mentee? It would be interesting to see if this strategy can help individuals change their behavior by identifying problem areas.

The strategy focuses on understanding the paradigms that people establish their actions upon. Point of note is that not all paradigms we give voice to are the ones we actually align our actions with. The excerpt below outlines the 6 Step intervention strategy.

According to Argyris and Schön (1978: 220-1) involves the ‘interventionist’ in moving through six phases of work:

Phase 1

Mapping the problem as clients see it. This includes the factors and relationships that define the problem, and the relationship with the living systems of the organization.

Phase 2

The internalization of the map by clients. Through inquiry and confrontation the interventionists work with clients to develop a map for which clients can accept responsibility. However, it also needs to be comprehensive.

Phase 3

Test the model. This involves looking at what ‘testable predictions’ can be derived from the map – and looking to practice and history to see if the predictions stand up. If they do not, the map has to be modified.

Phase 4

Invent solutions to the problem and simulate them to explore their possible impact.

Phase 5

Produce the intervention.

Phase 6

Study the impact. This allows for the correction of errors as well as generating knowledge for future designs. If things work well under the conditions specified by the model, then the map is not disconfirmed.

By running through this sequence and attending to key criteria suggested by Model II, it is argued, organizational development is possible. The process entails looking for the maximum participation of clients, minimizing the risks of candid participation, starting where people want to begin (often with instrumental problems), and designing methods so that they value rationality and honesty.


Smith, M. K. (2001) 'Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning', the encyclopedia of informal education, Last update: September 07, 2009

Mindful Expression

Embrace the Experience

There is beauty in the engagement, in the struggle, in the essence of the very thing itself. The true rewards are in the pageantry of the thing itself. Victory and defeat are traitors; do not let them rob you of your art.

Excerpt from: A Chinese Kid Named Santiago

Friday, December 18, 2009

Power of Discipline

DISCIPLINE is Soul of a Business, Family, Army, TEAM. It makes small numbers Formidable, procures Success to Weak, and gives Esteem to All.

-Bill Stewart

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Power of Belief

If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."

-Mahatma Gandhi

You know this quote really struck me as it I think reflects the courage and determination found within people. True belief does not have to be based upon current capacity, but rather one’s capacity to believe in oneself. I can’t help but think of Common’s song The People where the MC states that “No one believed me till I believed me”. I think this statement truly embraces the spirit of Gandhi’s words. Faith in oneself like a magnet will draw people, resources and even talents to one’s aid.

Lack of belief in one’s ability to exercise control over the conditions in one’s life is a paralyzing state. It’s a strange thing to feel overwhelmed as if trying to survive in a land Giants and Monsters. This feeling I think is tied to placing an overemphasis on the “what is” rather than the “what can be”. The “what can be” mindset allows a person to grow into the challenge. Like a bruising running back that seems to get stronger as the opposition intensifies, so to does a person grow more powerful and skillful with each challenge that is overcome.

Belief is what allows for this transformation to occur. The knowledge that one will continue to grow and that a potential solution is just around the corner sets the stage for these things to be recognized when they arrive.

Belief in oneself challenges a person to seek solutions in the midst of bleak situations rather than succumbing to them. It has to be stated that I wish achieving a state of belief was as easy a feat as writing the mere words upon a page, unfortunately it’s not. Personal experience advises that its one of the most difficult things a person can do. It is a task that requires intelligence, fortitude and an ever evolving emotional maturity.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Love Redefined

Love is not just the sentimental fuzzy emotion that leaves us googly eyed and awe struck. Love is powerful, love is catalytic. Love propels even the most timid spirits to heights of courage ascribed to legends. What is it that you love?

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Acceptance and the Path of Destiny

The beautiful countenance of purpose and reason embrace the path of

journeymen engaged in the work of constructing life. The pain is that

of birth, the weathering of "be coming's" storm, the clasping of

evolution's coattail; bravely enduring the whirlwind.


Excerpt: A Chinese Kid Named Santiago

Stay True

Do what you are.

The slipping of purpose makes moments worthless.

As pieces of self, sink into obscurity.

Maturity is found in the warrior's ways.

Stoke the blaze in one's heart.

Be true to you.

Walk the rhythm found within your chest.

For the best, rests in this sacred space.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Star Spangled

Beautiful thing I'll make you sing in the deepest of night till dawn's early light. For gleam of the chrome had shown bright, from the barrel of the pen friend of the wise and revolutionary alike...

Google's Activity Dashboard now let's you see who has viewed your files

Have you ever had to collaborate on a project and needed feedback from your team? You prepared the needed documents sent them out ...