Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Comfort within Discomfort

I do not have to be comfortable with the process of  peronal development and that is ok. I am realizing that basing my actions upon how I subjectively feel about them can lead to limitations in my growth. Pleasure and pain though important concepts to consider should not be the sole determining factor regarding my decisions. There has to be a more encompassing intelligence upon which to guide my actions. My exploration into Education and Yoga is helping me to be ok with my path and practice. I am where I need to be. The barrage of constant self-evaluation and calculation of progress can take me away from being “present” if I let it. Presence in practice and action is essential to personal advancement.

When I am not present, I can feel it immediately in my training. My sessions start rough, I am not able to feel as deep or as smooth as I had desired. When these moments occur, an instant litany of judgments soon populates my awareness precluding any chance for me to engage. Even now as I document these experiences, the words seem pre-planned and calculated not really expressing how I feel in the truest sense.

Honesty is the root of embracing life and practice more fully. I am learning that fear prevents people from being honest with themselves about who they are, what they want etc. Perhaps this is caused by a fear of discomfort and pain. If one could tackle discomfort, render it helpless to the point where it no longer held its sway, what great things could be accomplished?

“There is nothing to fear if you refuse to be afraid”.
- Ghandi

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