Saturday, November 06, 2010

  Beginning of My Practice

I never intended to walk the path of yoga. I picked up the Heart of Yoga book by T.K.V Desikachar, a chance and random occurrence, and poured through the book's contents. I was amazed by what I read. I never realized the transformative potential the discipline of Yoga held. At the writing of this journal entry, I am 6 months into my focused use of Yoga. It is strange but I am excited about the new prospects that are emerging because of this practice. Already I am seeing a subtle difference in the manner life opens itself to me. I feel a sense of synchronicity between my goals, the person I am becoming and the manifesting events of my life. I feel as if I do not have to try as hard to engage in the authentic expression of myself.

In the Heart of Yoga, Desikachar mentions that one can witness the evolution of one’s practice by observing the state of one’s relationships. Desikachar elaborates that a person will grow in the level of engagement and harmony experienced with other people. The changes I have noticed in my own personal interactions both professionally and personally mirror this statement.

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