Thursday, November 04, 2010

Mind & Body

I never knew the encompassing nature of Yoga. I had always thought of it as a supplementary and soft practice used to support another discipline. I have been researching the practice and now find it to be much broader than I had initially thought. I see in Yoga the potential to bridge the gap between physical and mental performance. The art form sets a platform for the practitioner to develop his or her human potential to a greater degree, creating synergy between mental and physical competencies.

What I am also interested in is the enhanced state of self awareness that Yoga cultivates. An awareness that helps a person address flaws and shortcomings previously outside of concious awareness. With awareness comes the ability to maximize areas of talent removing self-defeating barriers that limits expression.

"Yoga cannot guarantee us this or that particular benefit if we practice diligently. Yoga is not a recipe for less suffering, though it can offer us help in changing our attitude so that we have less avidya (misperception) and therefore greater freedom from dukha" (suffering).


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