Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Moment of e-lightenment

"If one can really come to that state of saying, "I do not know," it indicates an extraordinary sense of humility; there is no arrogance of knowledge; there is no self-assertive answer to make an impression".

J. Krisnamurti

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Robert W. Mendenhall,
president of Western Governors University, an online, nonprofit institution, will answer questions about the quality of distance education and the idea of awarding degrees based on competency assessments instead of traditional measures of grades and seat time.
Software eases NMC teacher shortage

The cash-strapped Northern Marianas College is getting some help in mitigating the shortage of teachers at the lone community college in the CNMI. That help, though, comes not in the form of a person but through a software called Elluminate Live.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Discomfort Does Not Mean Dysfunctional

I have accepted a new job, which will take me far from family in Ohio. Many emotions have been swirling around my head as of late, one of which is a deep sense of uncertainty. I found myself pushed outside of my comfort zone forced to deal with new realities and challenges. Though uncomfortable, I felt as if I had been catapulted to a greater level of self-reliance and proficiency.

This experience has led me to reflect upon education and academic experiences. Should not learners also be encouraged to transcend current levels of understanding and proficiency within the context of education?

At first, my levels of discomfort I perceived as an annoyance. I have now come to view them as a necessary and desirable part of the growth process. Struggle and uncertainty I have come to view as natural parts of any learning cycle. Discomfort does not necessary mean dysfunctional, these moments often prove be times of great insight.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Futurist: To fix education, think Web 2.0
By Martin LaMonica, CNET
Published on ZDNet News: December 1, 2006, 1:07 PM PT

A consultant and former chief scientist at Palo Alto Research Center, Seely Brown spoke at a conference on technology and education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The conference was organized to mark the end next year of an eight-year partnership between Microsoft and MIT to explore the use of technology in learning.

Seely Brown argued that education is going through a large-scale transformation toward a more participatory form of learning.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Group wants Blackboard patent nulled

CNET reports that the Software Freedom Law Center has asked the United States Patent Office to re-examine a patent awarded to Blackboard. The open-source group claims that Blackboard's patent is bogus and that it could undermine other education projects that the center represents. Sakai, Moodle, and ATutor could all be adversely affected by the patent.

Google's Activity Dashboard now let's you see who has viewed your files

Have you ever had to collaborate on a project and needed feedback from your team? You prepared the needed documents sent them out ...