Saturday, April 26, 2008


Goals change as you change. Goals should be reflective of your skill level and personal growth. Goals should keep you captivated and fully engage your talents and interests.

Excerpt from the: Putting Gears in the Dream Calendar
Live Free

The life of a dreamer is a life of freedom. Freedom to explore the far reaches of potential and talent. The entrapment of one’s spirit is often caused by an inability to dream and believe in unseen realities. Bound by the confines of the visible and tangible, people often succumb to the relentless pressure of conformity. The drudgery of daily routines, devoid of passion and personal connection slowly draw the magic out living.

Life’s mysteries degenerate into items of mere curiosity. Living the life of a dreamer, whose nostrils breath in the amorous scent of life, requires one to resist the call to relinquish one’s heart to cold conformity. The invocation of career and comfort are often used to subdue the unruly binding them inconsequential activities and patterns of thought. The dreamers are the freedom fighters, the revolutionaries who seek to live life on their terms.

Excerpt from the upcoming book, The 5 O'clock Coup

The Emboldened Champion
Where doth destiny lie, in the cathartic explosions of my pen? My mind’s eye sees the prize in which I strive. I must resist the tides of Boredom and Fashion. Enough about you, see through the distraction gain traction on the cherished dreams and wishes in your life. Rely upon the real and vivid. The auction of truth for shadows must end.
Excerpt from: A Chinese Kid Named Santiago, pg. 9

Play Your Game

Shape the business environment to compliment your strengths. The rhythm of one’s daily routine should reflect this. Strive to understand the complexities of personal style and proclivity. One must first understand oneself before one can understand how to utilize the environment to one’s advantage.

Book of Success: 3rd reflection

Fear creates the Phantoms in the Dark
The internal model in our minds and hearts fill in the gaps
that exist within communication. These paradigms are the
glasses through which we see the world. Operating from a
sense of deficiency and inadequacy paints a picture of a
hostile world in which everything is an offense. Fear, lack
of confidence and low self-esteem creates people who are
hypersensitive to the world around them, jumping at every shadow and darting from every rustle in the brush.
Book of Courage: pg.8
Randy Pausch Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Google's Activity Dashboard now let's you see who has viewed your files

Have you ever had to collaborate on a project and needed feedback from your team? You prepared the needed documents sent them out ...