Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's Not Happening Without Structure

Without structure to my work pushing towards meaningful and fulfilling Knowledge Management initiatives is not going to happen. Hours spent researching strategies and the background information to execute the strategy will not make a bit of difference without the discipline and personal management structure to execute the plan.

I think this in a way is analogous to knowledge acquisition. Self-regulation has long been thought by educators to influence the level of learning a student acquires. Creating a platform and system to complete tasks and monitor behaviors is a core component of creating order out of seemingly disarray. Self regulation is what keeps people from
drowning in the stream of data that chatacterizes our world. I am looking for ideas to improve my organization skills..

-How do you stay organized?

Courage to Change

I can't forget a big part of knowledge attainment is courage. I am beginning to learn that groundbreaking learning comes with an emotional price. Innovation and wisdom challenges people to step into unknown areas. I am finding out that this can be both scary and exhilarating at the same time.

I have a deeper appreciation for those ground breaking thinkers that had the audacity to believe that the non existent was possible. Learning and growing must eventually tread upon emotional terrain.

Our ideals, paradigms or views of the world reside at this deeper level. These constructs are the source from which behavior flows.

Change these and you change your world. When expanding ,growing and innovating I must expect and be prepared for the emotional rush. Learning is not a purely intellectual exercise.

I am interested to know:

-What experience have you had the challenged you both intellectually and emotionally?

-How did you handle it?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Emotions the Key to Success

Many times what can keep us from change is not lack of knowledge or vision, but rather an emotional response that tells us to turn back.

Learning and growth is a matter of the heart just as much as it is the mind. The concept of emotional intelligence deals with this reality extensively. Robert Cooper defines EI as a source of energy, information, creativity, trust and connection.

-How are you using emotions to stay focused on your goals?

- How have emotions derailed you from goal attainment in the past?

-What have you done to correct this?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time and Money

Time and money are two resources which can make or break you. They must be managed well. Without awareness in these spots it is difficult to summon the strength necessary to create change and push innovation.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Learning is Emotional

Robert Cooper states that emotional intelligence is a source of energy, information, creativity, trust and connection.
Qualities that lend themselves to knowledge creation. Tacit knowledge is knowledge that we carry around within us. Our subjective realities are the wellspring through which insight flows. The best practices and insights that allow us to be experts in what we do. Emotional intelligence is a way that we can tap into that reservoir.
The more aware we are of our internal states the more knowledge we have access to.

Learning is an emotional activity. Emotions are information and creativity. Emotions can either impede or empower the learning process.

-What goals do you have that you have a deep connection to?

-How has this helped or hurt you?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Vision Clarity

I have been thinking about the power of a clearly defined goal or an ideal end state. The importance of this is that a compelling vision helps to establish the blueprint for goal attainment.

I have realized that a vision can help me stay true to personal my personal principles.In matters of innovation principles set the stage for discernment and strategy.

Those who believe enough can innovate. No road maps exists for the trail blazing idea. Believing in the unseen reality of an idea will fortify efforts that make it a reality.

Clarity does not just happen, I believe that it takes constant pondering, learning and reflection to make things happen.

~What is it that you visualize about?

~How has this transformed your life?

Google's Activity Dashboard now let's you see who has viewed your files

Have you ever had to collaborate on a project and needed feedback from your team? You prepared the needed documents sent them out ...